We Are the Quarry, Fate is the Hunter by Prasad & Shubhada Godbole | Book Review

We Are the Quarry, Fate is the Hunter is written by ex-sailor couple Prasad and Shubhada Godbole in one of the most heartwarming, funny, witty, lovely way possible. As soon as I finished this book, I went on Instagram to gush about it and days later, I still feel the same way. The very thought of it puts a smile on my face and I know that if I were in India, I would get a paperback copy for myself to highlight and tab and annotate. It’s THAT good!

Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo | Book Review

Before I explain to you how disappointing one of my most anticipated books of 2023 was, I need to put it out there that Elizabeth Acevedo is one of my favorite authors of all time. When she announced Family Lore, her first novel for adult readers, I lost my mind with excitement and anticipation. And when August 2023 came, I was sick with worry because no bookstore here was stocking it. You know why? Because the Australian book market is weird like that. Half the global book releases are postponed Down Under and the same was the case with Family Lore.

Roman Stories by Jhumpa Lahiri | Book Review

Roman Stories is Jhumpa Lahiri’s latest work, a return to her roots, if you will, because this is a collection of short stories like her Pulitzer Prize winning Interpreter of Maladies. I’ve been a fan of Jhumpa Lahiri’s writing for a bit and when this book was announced, I promptly lost my mind. But before I get into what I think of her new book, I have to take a step or two back to tell you how I fell in love with her words.